Thursday, May 28, 2020
Great School Essay Topics
<h1>Great School Essay Topics</h1><p>One of the most significant parts of composing a school paper is settling on the theme. Composing a decent school exposition requires a broad measure of research and a great deal of planning, however once the theme is settled, it will be a lot simpler to continue with your essay.</p><p></p><p>School paper points are exceptionally various and rely on the specific subject nearby. Ordinarily, these subjects are generally short and will take up only a couple of sentences. The most significant thing while choosing a subject is that it is pertinent to the school's level of learning. For instance, a school with a history foundation would have an unexpected theme in comparison to one with a craftsmanship background.</p><p></p><p>Depending on the point, you may need to expound on something that is rudimentary level. For instance, you could be required to expound on a class that was first acq uainted with you as a kindergartener. Likewise, contingent upon the theme, you may need to do an inside and out research about a specific subject so as to introduce precise information.</p><p></p><p>On the other hand, in case you're required to expound on an increasingly perplexing point, similar to your own life, you'll have to invest more energy pondering the subject. For this situation, you'll have to invest some energy sorting out your musings about your subject. What do you think about your theme? What questions are at the forefront of your thoughts and how might you answer them?</p><p></p><p>Think about how you think about your subject. In the event that you compose a school paper, you'll need to ensure that your article isn't just useful, yet additionally intelligent of your learning. Consider how you found out about your subject. Might you be able to have perused a school magazine article on the theme or have a reference book t hat covers it?</p><p></p><p>Another approach to concoct an extraordinary school paper subject is to write in your own words. Solicit yourself what sorts from things intrigue you or what subjects intrigue you now. Consider what you like best and what might be helpful to others. This would likewise be an incredible time to investigate any accounts or histories that you probably won't know of.</p><p></p><p>In request to include considerably more premium and profundity to your paper, you could write down some fascinating insights regarding what you discovered. Scribble down the real factors that make your theme fascinating and relevant.</p><p></p><p>These are a portion of the tips and deceives for concocting extraordinary school exposition subjects. Keep in mind, it is your duty to ensure that your theme is intriguing and important. So as to ensure that your point is exceptionally valuable and of great, you have to invest some energy in the theme and ensure that you've tended to any inquiries or worries that you may have about the topic.</p>
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
What Is a Conditioned Response in Psychology
A conditioned response is a learned response to a stimulus that was previously neutral. Conditioned responses are an important part of classical conditioning, a learning theory discovered by Ivan Pavlov. Key Takeaways: Conditioned Response A conditioned response is a learned response to a previously neutral stimulus.The concept of conditioned response has its origins in classical conditioning, which was discovered by Ivan Pavlov.By giving dogs food seconds after turning on a light, Pavlov found that the dogs could develop a conditioned response (salivation) to a previously neutral stimulus (the light). After a few repetitions of the light-food process, the dogs began to salivate in response to the light without any food being provided. Origins The concept of a conditioned response has its origins in classical conditioning. Ivan Pavlov discovered classical conditioning while studying the salivation responses of dogs. Pavlov noticed that while dogs would naturally salivate when food was in their mouths, they salivated at the sight of food. Some dogs would even salivate when they heard the footsteps of the person who gave them food coming down the hall. This observation suggested to Pavlov that natural salivation response had become generalized to a stimulus that was originally neutral. Pavlov conducted experiments to determine if he could condition a response to other neutral stimuli. In a typical experiment with a dog, Pavlov would turn on a light, then give the dog food a few seconds later. After these repeated pairings of light and food,à the dog would eventually salivate in response to the light being turned on, even without the presence of food. Pavlov labeled each stimulus and response involved in the process of classical conditioning. In the scenario above, the food is an unconditioned stimulus, because the dog didnââ¬â¢t need to learn to salivate in response to it. The light is initially a neutral stimulus, because at first the dog does not associate a response with it. By the end of the experiment, the light becomes a conditioned stimulus because the dog has learned to associate it with food. Salivation in response to the food is an unconditioned response because it happens automatically. Finally, salivation in response to the light is a conditioned response because it is a reflex that is learned. Examples Examples of conditioned responses are prevalent in everyday life. Many fears and phobias are the result of conditioned responses. For instance, if an individual is pushed into a pool before they know how to swim and flails around helplessly before being pulled out of the water, they may become fearful of physically entering any body of water. The fear of water is a conditioned response. Here are a few more examples of conditioned responses. If a mothers young children always hear the garage door opening before she enters the house after coming home from work, they will learn to associate the sound of the garage opening with her return. As a result,à the children will become excited when they hear the garage door before theyââ¬â¢ve even seen their mother. The association of the garage door with her closely followed entrance into the house has conditioned the childrenââ¬â¢s excited response.If every time you go to the dentist your teeth are cleaned so thoroughly that your gums are raw and uncomfortable for the rest of the day, you may become conditioned to dread visiting the dentists office.People learn to associate a siren with a nearby emergency vehicle. When one learns to drive they also learn that they have to pull over to let emergency vehicles pass. So, if a driver pulls over as soon as they hear the sound of an emergency vehicle, their response is conditioned. While many phobias and fears are themselves conditioned responses, conditioned responses can also be used to overcome fears and phobias. Classical conditioning can be used to slowly and systematically desensitize an individual to the thing that is causing their fear until that fear has been minimized or extinguished completely. For instance, if an individual is afraid of heights, they would stand at a small elevation while practicing relaxation techniques. After they are calm and confident at the lower level, theyââ¬â¢ll stand at a higher elevation. The process is repeated until the individual learns to overcome their fear of heights. Unlearning Conditioned Responses It can be a challenge to determine if a response is conditioned or unconditioned. The key to understanding the difference is that an unconditioned response happens automatically. Meanwhile, a conditioned response is learned and is only acquired if the individual has made an association between an unconditioned and conditioned stimulus. However, because a conditioned response must be learned, it can also be unlearned. Pavlov tested this after the dogs had developed conditioned responses to the light. He found that if he repeatedly shined the conditioned-stimulus light but refrained from giving the dog the food, the dog would salivate less and less until it stopped salivating completely. The gradual diminishing and eventual disappearance of the conditioned response is called extinction. Extinction can happen to real-life conditioned responses, too. For example, if you see a new dentist who doesnââ¬â¢t make your gums raw when you have an appointment and compliments you on your healthy mouth, over time you may find you no longer dread the dentists office. Sources Cherry, Kendra. ââ¬Å"Conditioned Response in Classical Conditioning.â⬠à Verywell Mind, 10 March 2019.à, William. Theories of Development: Concepts and Applications. 5th ed., Pearson Prentice Hall. 2005.Beaumont, Leland R. ââ¬Å"Conditioned Responses.â⬠à Emotional Competency, 2009.à
Student Definition Essay Samples For Revision Exercise
<h1>Student Definition Essay Samples For Revision Exercise</h1><p>The first thing you have to know is that understudy definition paper tests for correction exercise can be an incredible assistance. Thusly, you can break down the archives effectively and rapidly. In any case, you should be cautious that you don't utilize an inappropriate activities. You should possibly utilize the right activities when you are doing your correction exercise.</p><p></p><p>The most regular slip-up made by understudies is to utilize the understudy definition exposition tests for modification practice with no past information about the subject. When you study them, you will find that it is hard to comprehend the point. Along these lines, before you begin perusing the record, you should make a rundown of the things that you have gained from the understudy definition article tests for amendment work out. At that point, you can go on with the perusing process.</p& gt;<p></p><p>You ought to likewise ensure that you get familiar with the right activities. You ought to figure out how to peruse the words. You ought to likewise have the option to separate among of all shapes and sizes words. You ought to likewise figure out how to separate among at various times tense.</p><p></p><p>The second most significant piece of the modification is that you have to acquaint yourself with the subject. It is beyond the realm of imagination to expect to overhaul on the off chance that you are inexperienced with the subject. You should attempt to acclimate yourself with the themes. To get familiar with the points, you can take an online course or take a crack at a class. In any case, ensure that you can try what you have realized immediately.</p><p></p><p>The following stage is to break down the understudy definition paper tests for modification work out. It is basic that you break down the record cautiously so you can comprehend it totally. You ought to have the option to comprehend the report and even use it to compose a thesis.</p><p></p><p>You ought to likewise utilize the right translation of the archive. In the event that you can't comprehend the record, you should attempt to discover the basic importance. You ought to do this with the assistance of your companion or an expert. In any case, ensure that you utilize your own and expert skills.</p><p></p><p>By utilizing these strategies, you will have the option to comprehend the report. This will help you when you are altering the report later. It will help you recorded as a hard copy the thesis.</p><p></p><p>In request to finish the amendment effectively, you ought to likewise have the option to incorporate your insight. At the point when you compose the proposition, you ought to have a one of a kind style. For instance, you ought to compose the pos tulation utilizing sentences that are like those utilized in the thesis.</p>
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Uncommon Article Gives You the Facts on Interesting Research Paper Topics for Students That Only a Few People Know Exist
Unprecedented Article Gives You the Facts on Interesting Research Paper Topics for Students That Only a Few People Know Exist The examination strategy makes a series of strides as recorded underneath. You will be able to finish an incredible piece of research chip away at brain research by composing your paper on these themes. At the point when you pick an examination theme, make certain it is one which you comprehend and have a firm handle on. Sports look into paper subjects spread a wide determination of fields. Top Interesting Research Paper Topics for Students Secrets You should compose a minumum of one research paper in a semester for a great deal of the subjects. Sensible objective of an examination Students are too much goal-oriented some of the time and pick subjects that couldn't be handily investigated. It isn't astounding that for most of the understudies brain research turns into an extremely hard subject. It's conceivable to discover more data about understudies' researc h papers here. The Fight Against Interesting Research Paper Topics for Students It's extraordinary in the event that you see how to create truly captivating and charming thought for your work, however essentially it's a scholastic task and you have to consider. Whenever you're allowed to choose the subject for your paper, you can thoroughly enjoy the advantage of expounding on something you find intriguing. A superb paper theme should be fascinating and should join a unique thought or position attempt to forestall antique subjects which will probably exhaust your peruser. Regardless of whether a specific research paper subject is getting bunches of buzz as of now or others appear to be keen on expounding on it, don't feel enticed to make it your theme on the off chance that you don't truly have an enthusiasm for it moreover. Composing the points you're contemplating upon for on the google search bar, it will show the subjects which are drifting and furthermore those themes that are a piece of the books and articles yet haven't been talked about. Maybe some of the absolute best school inquire about subjects today are IT look into paper themes. Not all exploration paper points are made equivalent, and you might want to be certain you select an amazing subject before you initiate composing. Peruse a few books and endeavor to find fascinating recommendations for inquire about paper points. Actually, almost all points for look into papers are excessively enormous for two or three pages. As a promoting understudy, you no doubt approach a plenty of assets like your school library and normally, the internet, to deliver great research paper subjects. Research papers are attempting, however also they have the ability to be to some degree fulfilling. Understudies can't settle on the absolute first thought they see on the net or in the print media it's tied in with picking great research paper points on the important issues. Life, Death, and Interesting Research Paper Top ics for Students When you have that limited, you can think your exploration and create an exceptional paper. It appears that picking research paper subjects have transformed into the most troublesome methodology. Picking a point for an exploration paper isn't straightforward in any capacity. Peruse the accompanying plans to choose an ideal theme for your exploration paper! What the In-Crowd Won't Tell You About Interesting Research Paper Topics for Students You should deliver an open-finished research question. Different occasions, as in an irregular brain research program, may request that you create your paper on a specific subject like a mental issue. You might be parted with the point straight by your educator, or you can be allowed to settle on the subject yourself. Considering that loads of convincing expositions concern dubious themes, before composing, you should plunk down and consider what your assessment on the point really is. Picking Interesting Research Paper Topics fo r Students Is Simple The more sources that you have, the more distinctive of an image you will get at the finish of the exploration. To make an incredible research, you don't should be a youthful Oscar Wild. Utilize the opportunity of an examination to contemplate something you're keen on. Equivalent to each book ought to have principle theme, your exploration actually needs the most significant inquiry that you will reply toward the end. Normally, in the event that you make an exploration paper, the educator furnishes you with a task. On the off chance that an educator doesn't allot a specific research paper subject, it for the most part implies you could create your own thought. To have the option to make a paper, you need to make an examination question. On the off chance that you despite everything feel you need assistance, regardless of whether you've figured out how to choose a point, you may consistently look for the administrations of a custom composing administration that will assist you with delivering a fantastic research paper of which you'll be pleased and will promise you a decent imprint. To reduce pressure when composing an exploration paper, you should make certain to have picked the best possible point. In the event that your theme is excessively wide, you won't can center your paper since there is just a lot of data to cover. Thoughts, Formulas and Shortcuts for Interesting Research Paper Topics for Students Locating a decent subject is only one of the most basic advances when composing any type of paper. The various themes could be found, for example, in the exposition abstracts universal database. Picking one of our proposed subjects will let you initiate composing a flourishing examination paper.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Compare and Contrast Term Paper Topics
Compare and Contrast Term Paper TopicsUsing the best compare and contrast term paper topics for your term paper will be vital in preparing you for the term paper you need to write. The topics you choose will also affect how you write the paper and the look you want to achieve when it is done. One way to help you decide which compare and contrast term paper topics are best for you is to ask for help from others who have successfully finished a term paper and gotten good grades in it.The reason why you should seek help is that there are many things that you can do to prepare for your term paper but comparing and contrasting your topics is a necessary part of your preparation. If you try to do it all on your own, you are less likely to get it right. You can make use of some free online resources, take coursework help or talk to an advisor in your college about comparing and contrasting your term paper topics.Knowing that you are getting help from other people is also a great way to star t comparing and contrasting your term paper topics. It will show you that these people know what they are talking about and you are not alone when it comes to learning how to properly compare and contrast your topic and the different types of papers that you can use to get your essay ready. This confidence is important because it shows that you have done your research and you are taking your topic seriously.When you are starting to compare and contrast your term paper topics, you will be able to know that you have done the proper research that you need. You have looked at many term papers and found the kinds of topics that are best for your kind of writing. The way you compare and contrast your terms will also reflect on how you go about writing your essay.Doing this will make your term paper seem more impressive and your writing style more polished. The best way to begin is to write out the main points of each topic that you will be writing. The main point will then serve as the ba sis for the conclusion of your topic.Write down your main points and summarize them. The summary will act as the subhead and the subheading is where you will break down each main point into smaller bits. When doing this, keep in mind that the main point will always be the first sentence of your essay.After you have written out your main points, you will need to write out the side lines and paragraph emphasis in their own paragraphs. This is a critical part of your comparison and contrast essay. As you read through your document, you will notice the main point and the side line that are mentioned in that particular paragraph are highlighted with different colors.This will be done to highlight the main points in your writing. This will help you see the big picture of the topic you are trying to write about. Using this information will give you confidence when it comes to writing your final draft.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Research Paper - Is Your Research Paper Ready For Review?
<h1>Research Paper - Is Your Research Paper Ready For Review?</h1><p>There are a couple of inquiries you have to pose to yourself when you are setting up your own exploration paper. One of the most significant is whether the paper you compose will have the option to pass peer audit. Obviously, you are probably going to do some revising in the wake of composing your exploration paper since you need it to be as near flawless as possible.</p><p></p><p>If you choose to utilize a conventional organization for your examination paper, at that point composing a decent letter ought to be a smart thought. Truth be told, it ought to be a basic piece of your composing style. You have to show that you are composed. A decent research paper should achieve the ideal objective and not lose all sense of direction in the process.</p><p></p><p>One of the most ideal approaches to pass your paper to an analyst is to send a pleasant letter c larifying what you anticipate from the diary editors. Utilize an exemplary letter arrangement and show your comprehension for the diary editors by utilizing statements or short stories to portray what you might want to find in your paper. That way, you demonstrate your ability to compose a very much organized paper that has a decent ending.</p><p></p><p>In request to comprehend what an exploration paper is, you should be sure about what it is about. An examination paper is generally a theoretical of a novel you are composing. You need to depict the most basic and strange parts of your story. That is the thing that an exploration paper is all about.</p><p></p><p>Finally, when you have chosen what sort of research paper you need to compose, at that point the time has come to compose it. Compose an examination paper the manner in which you figure it ought to be composed. Ensure you have all the data about the story you're recording and th at you have at any rate the initial sentence and perhaps the entire chapter.</p><p></p><p>There are a lot of free online assets that can assist you with composing your paper, however you have to realize when to break for the last passage. Abstain from getting too theoretical when you are composing the last section. Rather, show how the story develops to this point.</p><p></p><p>Writing an exploration paper is no simple undertaking, yet in the event that you have the correct direction, it tends to be an energizing one. Composing an examination paper is an extraordinary method to sparkle in your field. At the point when you are certain that you are prepared, the activity of understanding that exploration paper acknowledged to a diary is yours.</p>
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Research Paper Topics For Intermediate Accounting
<h1>Research Paper Topics For Intermediate Accounting</h1><p>Intermediate bookkeeping is a particular field of fund that generally has a particular research paper point. This is probably the hardest subject to compose as it requires a decent arrangement of basic reasoning and logical capacities. Notwithstanding, having this kind of vocation can be amazingly rewarding.</p><p></p><p>Intermediate bookkeeping is normally a straightforward course of study that will show you the nuts and bolts. In the event that you are keen on the specialized side of this calling, at that point you may need to take a further developed class. Similarly as with most fields, having a little foundation in bookkeeping can go far in deciding your prosperity with this calling. Remember that in the event that you need to get effective in bookkeeping, you are going to should have the option to do a wide range of figurings and work on complex monetary models.</p><p ></p><p>One of the best research paper subjects for middle bookkeeping is really called the asset report. At the end of the day, this will cover a decent arrangement of the factual information that is utilized to make an expert bookkeeper's pay articulation. The monetary record essentially considers all the various snippets of data identified with resources and liabilities. This incorporates such things as resource esteems, resources sold, advances, speculations, remarkable records, fiscal summaries, and so on. Bookkeeping experts will regularly take a gander at these benefits and liabilities to perceive what they are worth.</p><p></p><p>Other look into paper themes for moderate bookkeeping are the fiscal summary and the benefit/misfortune explanation. This sort of money related data is fundamentally used to show an organization the genuine estimation of their advantages. With the correct instruments, you can without much of a stretch turn a be nefit for any business owner.</p><p></p><p>Finally, inquire about paper themes for middle of the road bookkeeping may incorporate different territories, for example, tax collection, the business structure, and the tax collection from specific kinds of merchandise. There are numerous ways that you can fuse these angles into a report. For instance, a business should choose if they should document as a sole ownership or an organization. They will likewise need to choose what their assessments will be on every one of the exchanges that happen inside the business.</p><p></p><p>Also remembered for look into paper themes for halfway bookkeeping are corporate fund. This is the territory of study that encourages the bookkeeper to decide the best possible pace of enthusiasm for a specific advance. On the off chance that an individual chooses to purchase a vehicle, they may need to make sense of the amount they can manage the cost of and furtherm ore the base installment that is satisfactory. They will likewise need to make sense of what a Mastercard organization will consider when they are talking about a loan.</p><p></p><p>Research paper points for middle of the road bookkeeping can be very explicit and testing. Nonetheless, for anybody that is hoping to get into this field, these are phenomenal subjects to concentrate on. You should be set up to handle a wide range of parts of the calling, however you should do this inside a particular structure. For whatever length of time that you locate a decent, strong school to get your degree from, at that point you ought to have the option to get yourself an extraordinary profession in this field.</p>
Saturday, May 16, 2020
How to Write Your Sample Essay For a Descriptive Essay
<h1>How to Write Your Sample Essay For a Descriptive Essay</h1><p>Any illustrative exposition needs to incorporate a few examples. The issue is that this standard is normally not followed. So as to include instances of tests and still be predictable, here are a couple of tips on the best way to compose your examples for an elucidating essay.</p><p></p><p>First of all, what sort of tests would you say you are going to use in your engaging article? This is significant in light of the fact that various examples will have various things to offer. For instance, a fiction test might be something like a film quote or a short story.</p><p></p><p>A scholarly example is another thing to add to your elucidating article. It tends to be a sonnet, a novel portion, or even a verse piece. This is simply one more method of making your exposition creative.</p><p></p><p>Finally, while your examples of tests will a bsolutely help with your clear article, you would prefer not to utilize them as the fundamental focal point of your composition. While the examples themselves are incredible for clarifying certain issues, they are not the focal point of your composition. You need to keep your composing concentrated on the primary concerns. The other significant thing is to ensure you utilize an introduction.</p><p></p><p>Your presentation passage ought to at any rate spread the three significant purposes of your exposition. The main section will give you an essential rundown of your exposition so it's imperative to get this right. The following two sections will furnish you with instances of various samples.</p><p></p><p>Once you are done with these passages, you should begin composing your fundamental body of your composition. Recollect that these sections are the place you are going to 'get down' with your example. Utilize these sections to depict th ese examples to your perusers. Try not to be hesitant to be graphic when you are portraying the examples as you are doing this.</p><p></p><p>Finally, when you are composing the last section, don't go into a depiction of the example. Rather, focus on communicating your sentiments about the example and summing up the central matters. Finish your last passage by expressing that you think the author incorporated all the models he required in his composed composition.</p><p></p><p>In end, the examples of tests won't be your solitary wellspring of models for your clear paper. Be that as it may, as a piece of your general composing venture, these examples are basic to the accomplishment of your writing.</p>
The Best College Essay Outline - How to Use an Outline For Your College Essay
<h1>The Best College Essay Outline - How to Use an Outline For Your College Essay</h1><p>A school paper is your chance to separate yourself from your colleagues. The capacity will permit you to exceed expectations in an incredible remainder and get that much-pined for school scholarship.</p><p></p><p>With the entirety of the occupations and organizations needing another representative, there is no opportunity to plunk down and compose a school exposition. You should attempt to fit it into a bustling timetable yet on the off chance that you don't have the opportunity to compose, at that point it's not very late to exploit the free blueprint you can discover on the web. Take a gander at the advantages that this choice can give you.</p><p></p><p>Since it is currently so natural to locate a free school article layout on the web, you should exploit it now. There are numerous destinations that are going to offer a free layou t, some for a couple of pages, others for a part. The most ideal approach to utilize this is to ensure you use it only one time.</p><p></p><p>Make sure you go over it once more. Attempt and concoct a few points that may intrigue you yet additionally some that may not. You should consider maintaining them separate in control to ensure you get the entirety of your thoughts down.</p><p></p><p>When you have discovered your primary goal, you can begin composing it. While you are composing, you ought to get into the progression of how you need your paper to look. Ensure you are composing on the correct side of the paper.</p><p></p><p>After you are finished with the principal draft of your school exposition diagram, you can return over it once more. Enjoy a reprieve every so often, if need be, or change things around to make it stream better.</p><p></p><p>Now that you realize where to discover y our school exposition layout free, you can begin to begin. You will have the option to ensure that you have the entirety of your significant focuses secured before you present your application.</p><p></p><p>If you don't know where to discover a blueprint PDF free, at that point set aside the effort to look at a portion of the sites that will support you. They can furnish you with a manual for assist you with turning out to be successful.</p>
Friday, May 15, 2020
An Influence Of Ronald Reagan On Worlds History - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1124 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/07/03 Category People Essay Level High school Tags: Ronald Reagan Essay Did you like this example? Early Life Ronald Reagan, also known as the 40th president of the United States, is originally from Tampico, Illinois. Born in 1911, Reagan went to Eureka college located in Illinois, majoring in economics and sociology ( Staff, 2017). He was able to go to this college through an academic scholarship, and graduated in 1932 ( Staff, 2017). Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "An Influence Of Ronald Reagan On Worlds History" essay for you Create order Reagan then proceeded to work in Iowa as a radio sports announcer, in which he later earned his nickname, The Great Communicator ( Staff, 2017). Ronald Reagan shortly began his career in film in 1937, when he signed a contract with Warner Bros that lasted for seven years ( Staff, 2017). Throughout his career, he appeared in more than 50 films, his most popular ones being Knute Rockne, All American, and Kings Row ( Staff, 2017). Reagan married Jane Wyman in 1940, and had one daughter, and one adopted son. The pair divorced in 1948, Ronald remarried to Nancy Davis, and they had two children. He did serve during World War II for a short time, until he had been released due to his poor eye vision ( Staff, 2017).Initial InvolvementRonald Reagan always had some sort of interest in politics, he initially was a Democratic due to his parents. However, his ideals switched over to those of a conservative Republican during the 1960s. He became aware of the issue of Communism when he was the president of the Screen Actors Guild, thus, he views in politics began to shift. Reagan then began touring the country as a television host, branding himself as a spokesman for conservatism (Cannon, n.d.). Reagans family held a strong liking towards Franklin Delano Roosevelt during his presidency, Ronald particularly liked FDR because he provided work for his brother and father in his New Deal Programs (Cannon, n.d.). After World War II Reagan aligned his beliefs with those in the Democratic Party, being anti-communist liberals. Before he became president himself, Reagan was the Governor of California, and campaigned greatly for Nixon during the election ( Staff, 2009). During his early years as governor, he ordered a large tax increase in hopes to close the budget deficit, thus he opposed Nixons plan to federalize welfare and establish a guaranteed annual income (Cannon, n.d.). Nixons fail ultimately failed, and Reagan bestowed it upon himself to create his own welfare plan in California. His welfare plan was successful, in which the welfare caseload began to drop by 8,000 each month, and by July of 1973 it was 800,000 cases lower than the reform had originally predicted (Cannon, n.d.). Ronald Reagans welfare plan in 1970 was seen as successful for state-based welfare experiments and was culminated on the national level in 1996 (Cannon, n.d.). Government Work In the election of 1976, Reagan went up against Gerald Fold for the Republican Party position. Reagan was able to keep himself in the head of the media between 1976 and 1980 by writing in a newspaper column and giving daily radio addresses, while being able to remain publicly undeclared about his plans for his presidency in 1980 ( Staff, 2009). Reagan mainly focused on fixing the current efficiency of the economy during his presidency, in which he stated, In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problems; government is the problem ( Staff, 2009). President Reagan began to implement policies into government that reduced the federal governments reach into the daily lives and pocketbooks of Americans this included tax cuts to stimulate growth, also known as Reaganomics (Reaganomics, n.d.). Reaganomics advocated for the increase in military spendings, reductions towards specific social programs, and measures taken to deregulate business. Reagan reduced domestic spending by cutting the top marginal tax rate on individual income from 70% to 28%, and the corporate tax rate went from 48% to 34% (Reaganomics, n.d.). His presidency also included eliminating price controls that were placed on oil and natural gases, telephone and cable services to reduce economic regulation (Reaganomics, n.d.). Also, Reagan supported a monetary policy that stabilized the U.S. dollar against foreign policies, in which tax revenues received increased from $909 billion in 1988 from $517 billion in 1980 (Reaganomics, n.d.). Plus, he was able to reduce inflation to 4%, and the unemployment rate to under 6% (Reaganomics, n.d.). Thus, Reagan worked a lot in the legislative branch of government, and worked with Congress in order to create new tax policies. Reagan also took action for women involvement in government by appointing Sandra Day OConnor to be the first woman to be apart of the U.S. Supreme Court ( Staff, 2009). When it came to foreign affairs, Reagan worked in the executive branch to create the Reagan Doctrine. The doctrine, taking place during the increased tension of the Cold War, America provided aid to anti-communist movements occurring in Africa, Asia, and South America ( Staff, 2009). In 1983, Reagan announced the Strategic Defense Initiative to help protect America from attacks by Soviet nuclear missiles by developing space-based weapons ( Staff, 2009). On the account of foreign affairs, Reagan also sent 800 U.S. Marines to Lebanon as a part of an international peacekeeping force after Israel invaded the nation in June of 1982 ( Staff, 2009). Additionally, Reagan was able to form a relationship diplomatically with Mikhail Gorbachev, who was the leader of the Soviet Union in 1985 ( Staff, 2009). In November of 1984, Reagan won his reelection by a landslide against Walter Mondale, winning 49 out of the 50 states, the largest number ever won by a presidential candidate in American history ( Staff, 2009).IdeologyDuring his presidency, Reagan identified himself as a conservative Republican, even though he had grown up in a Democratic household. Reagan ultimately displayed idiosyncratic conservatism, combining a progressive optimism that could be confused for a utopian state of mind. He often quoted a line from Tom Paine that was one of the most radical figures known today, We have it in our power to begin the world over again (Hayward, 2013). Ronald Reagan never believed that human nature could be shaped perfectly through political, or even bureaucratic interventions (Hayward, 2013). He was often critical of elites and experts that are considered the trademark of a modern bureaucratic government (Hayward, 2013). Reagans conservative beliefs ultimately shaped the way that he handled problems economically, including his decisions on tax reforms during the time of an economic crisis. Thus, he was the only governor who opposed a National Governors Association resolution in favor of Nixons proposal, when Nixon planned to federalize welfare and establish a guaranteed annual income (Hayward, 2013). Furthermore, Reagan strongly had a disliking towards the idea that, a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capitol can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves (Hayward, 2013). Ronald Reagan was a definite conservative Republican who stuck to his beliefs, and implemented policies that best fit his own ideals.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Best 7th Grade Essay Writing Editing Tool For Students
<h1>Best seventh Grade Essay Writing Editing Tool For Students</h1><p>Using the best seventh grade paper composing altering device for understudies is a good thought for connecting with understudies. It is a significant undertaking for a school to give a chance to understudies to communicate their contemplations and thoughts. By utilizing this paper composing device, a school can really consider what it will take to assist understudies with getting familiar with composing and open speaking.</p><p></p><p>For understudies to genuinely consider what they compose, exposition composing altering devices are an incredible assistance. With a simple to utilize exposition composing instrument, almost certainly, understudies won't just have the option to plainly communicate their considerations and thoughts yet additionally will have the option to introduce their musings in a reasonable way. By utilizing this exposition composing instrument, understudie s will likewise have the option to expand their composing aptitude, which thusly, will permit them to all the more likely comprehend when writing.</p><p></p><p>Many understudies would have no clue that just by perusing an article or a task isn't the best way to viably communicate contemplations and thoughts. Understudies can communicate and communicate their thoughts through composition by utilizing the best possible exposition composing altering instrument. By using the correct article composing device, understudies will have the option to make a convincing contention. By chipping away at the correct paper composing instrument, understudies will have the option to upgrade their composing skills.</p><p></p><p>Students can use the best article composing device by utilizing the techniques for exposition composing for understudies. In the event that understudies use paper composing instruments, they will have the option to draw in underst udies in learning. The best exposition composing instrument for understudies to utilize is the utilization of compelling paper composing altering. This device can be utilized to improve the compose and to improve the capacity to communicate their thoughts.</p><p></p><p>By utilizing this paper composing apparatus, understudies can truly become familiar with composing and open talking. By improving their composing aptitudes, understudies will have more certainty to have the option to communicate their considerations and thoughts in the most ideal manner conceivable. By utilizing this article composing apparatus, understudies will likewise have the option to all the more likely comprehend the significance of getting their work completed.</p><p></p><p>With this paper composing device, understudies will have the option to rehearse the means of composing and to get input from companions and partners. They will likewise have the option to get an opportunity to rehearse what they have composed, find out about the topic, and the composing styles. Understudies will have the option to get an opportunity to dissect what they have written to check whether there are any missteps that they can make in their work.</p><p></p><p>The best article composing altering device for understudies can be utilized by understudies to become familiar with the subject of composing and open talking. By using this paper composing device, understudies will have the option to expand their composing aptitudes and their composing capacity. By improving their composing aptitudes, understudies will have the option to improve their capacity to get their work finished and to give an elegantly composed essay.</p>
A Secret Weapon for Essay Examples Free
<h1> A Secret Weapon for Essay Examples Free </h1> <p>Essay composing comes in different structures. There are various order Essay Topics. After you have chosen the point for a grouping exposition and have considered it with particular methodologies of composing, you should be set up to form the absolute first draft. </p> <p>You ought to clarify how you'll characterize various things in the presentation of your article. When composing an exposition you could initially pick a superb class of things which you have better information and perception. The specific data and models structure by far most of an arrangement article. The substance of the delineation is just the insight or provoking of the best approach to create your arrangement essay.</p> <p>The pay will be in any event the lowest pay permitted by law, however it could be higher, in view of the sort of work and procedures required. The subject will be characterized by a wide zone, and it's imperative to encounter the locale for recognizing the few basic components which make up what it is. Next, you should consider what number of classes there are. All the classifications should be depicted and their exceptional attributes should be clarified. </p> <p>In numerous nations like Japan or Russia, the ordinary age of th e individuals is getting more established. For the most part, you aren't required to specify every single individual, occasion or article which goes into the particular gathering, particularly if it's excessively wide. Decide on a nutritional category you know is nutritious, regardless of whether you aren't sure why precisely it's so solid. The gathering doesn't fit the classification. </p> <h2>The Honest to Goodness Truth on Essay Examples Free </h2> <p>Our tests can assist you with unifying your article and give you the piece of information how to permit it to be finished. You may likewise give some broad realities or useful subtleties to pull in the perusers. Pretty much everything can be part into classes, however not all things can offer the material for a fascinating essay.</p> <p>A not many of the expositions might be directly to the point and doesn't require a lot of intuition to make the absolute initial step of composing. An engaging exposition ends should flexibly the peruser with a psychological image of a particular issue. Or on the other hand you should discover a few proposals on how best to make your exposition. Psyche, it's the model for your paper, taking a gander at which new recommendations for your article may show up in your considerations. </p> <p>There are an enormous exhibit of books which add to the creation of an astounding library. You can handpick a couple, on the off chance that you want. Request your real task from and you'll be shocked at the fact that it is so easy to complete an unrivaled custom paper inside the most limited time conceivable! Your modest redid school paper on Human Create Their Own Fate will be composed without any preparation, and in this way you don't have to stress over its inventiveness. < ;/p> <p>Locate a grouping you care about, something which won't just uncover the realities yet in addition enable you to show your own disposition. Most existing apart from everything else, the expectation of a business is to make individuals like a particular brand. Some are drinkable while some have a total body. The binding together article subject could be a movement, a type of individual, spot or thing. </p> <h2>The True Meaning of Essay Examples Free </h2> <p>Citations and concentrates from arranged sources must be designed appropriately. The utilization of innovation in organizations has caused the development of enterprises. Target data is the essence of sound control. </p> <p>If you're another customer, you might want to comprehend what you pay your cash for. There is in like manner an impact on work. Data innovation has altered the selling of items to clients around the globe. </p> <p>If it's an issue for you, at tha t point custom essayists are at your administrations. Under-humored notices Humor is an unpredictable and questionable issue. You will get the opportunity to offer loads of guides to back up your arguments.</p> <h2> The Hidden Secret of Essay Examples Free</h2> <p>If you've limited your article by one way or another, you should do it plainly from the very beginning. Every single detail of a specific subject has a significant influence in building up a visual portrayal for such. Some could imagine that the chance to research and investigate an alternate point will assist them with an incredible expectation to learn and adapt. So as to dispose of any of the literary theft issues, it's profoundly proposed you don't use it for you own composing purposes. </p> <h2>Want to Know More About Essay Examples Free? </h2> <p>What's imperative capacity of the references appropriately. Watch your particular viewpoint could be repaid based encounters far and away superior. Because of make a profitable correspondence and educators teachers endeavor to ten minutes. </p> <p>A understudy is restricted with regards to the measure of hours he can carry out the responsibility. When contemplating subjects like science or social examinations, your understudies need to comprehend and review a lot of data. Numerous understudies look at the educational cost of a college and make suspicions about definite cost. Along these lines, numerous understudies and representatives choose to get moderate exposition as opposed to composing it themselves. </p>
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Who Can Help You Find Good Argument Research Paper Topics?
<h1>Who Can Help You Find Good Argument Research Paper Topics?</h1><p>Argument look into is typically an extremely intense and overwhelming errand, however with the web it has gotten simple and should be possible by anybody. There are numerous contention inquire about subjects that you can browse, yet not every one of them will meet your requirements. Here are probably the most well known subject choices:</p><p></p><p>Hobbyists' Topics: While everybody appreciates side interests or sports, you might be keen on a similar leisure activity as another person. One model is playing the piano. If so, you should ensure that you know which leisure activities that others appreciate playing, so you can relate with them. You may likewise find that you have comparable interests as well.</p><p></p><p>Family Topics: This is another that can be extremely enjoyable to compose a contention examine paper on. For instance, you should comp ose a contention inquire about paper on how the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts cooperate. You can do investigation into various families and associations that can assist you with seeing progressively about these connections. You may find that you get thoughts for intriguing approaches to join the two groups.</p><p></p><p>Holiday Topics: This is a thought that you can do to demonstrate to your manager that you appreciate doing things like heading out to various nations or setting off to the sea shore. Obviously, you can't go right to the sea shore and play in the sand as a family, yet you can expound on why you love going to better places and celebrating. Likewise, you can see whether there are whatever other outings that you might want to take your family to. Review a contention investigate paper on the most widely recognized occasion points that your relatives will enjoy.</p><p></p><p>Career Advice: If you are making some troublesome memo ries getting another line of work, this theme could be ideal for you. Numerous individuals feel that they need more instruction before finding another line of work, however there are other people who need to change their vocations. One approach to do this is to see whether there are numerous others who experienced difficulty securing their optimal position. You can discover who they worked with and what their experience resembled. By conversing with them, you will discover what variables may have driven them to settle on the decision that they did.</p><p></p><p>These contentions explore paper subjects are extraordinary for you to take a gander at when you need to find out about something. At the point when you are examining a theme, you can generally peruse as much as could be expected under the circumstances and record thoughts that you feel will profit you. Nonetheless, in the event that you believe you need more time to do that, at that point composing you r own contention inquire about paper subjects is the following best thing. So as to do this, you have to consider what you need to discover, and you should then locate the best choices that can assist you with achieving that goal.</p><p></p><p>Holiday points might be fun, however numerous individuals like profession exhortation and contention examine paper subjects that identify with family. In any case, on the off chance that you are making some hard memories finding these themes that intrigue you, at that point you ought to review your own exploration paper. Regardless of whether you pick an inappropriate point, in any event you will have composed a contention look into paper that is your own creation. Keep in mind, you can do this with any theme that you need to research.</p>
The Overview of the Exposetory Essay Example Software
The Overview of the Exposetory Essay Example SoftwareThe Compendium of Exposetory Essay Examples is a free short essay writing and editing software program that I found in the Compendium of English Essay Examples. I first encountered this software when searching for tips on how to make my essay stronger. The software program is fast, effective, and I recommend it highly to anyone who needs some assistance with essay writing and editing.Anyone who has some computer skills can easily do the research, edit, and rewrite they need to write their essay, without having to worry about formatting. The only work a person has to do is fill out the application and then submit their work electronically to get feedback on the contents of the essay. There are three levels of difficulty to the editing process. A person who is trying to learn to edit can start off at the easy level and move up to the advanced level as they become more comfortable with the software program.To use the program, the pers on simply downloads the program from the Compendium of Exposetory Essay Examples website. They then have to enter their essay sample in the application and click on the 'submit' button. This will help the software identifies all of the errors in the essay. After doing this, the person will be provided with an evaluation of the current work and will have the opportunity to correct any of the errors.The software provides both a paper outline and also some suggestions as to how to improve the essay. The software helps the person to figure out the structure of the essay, how to format the content, and many other steps and tips that will assist them in writing their essay. The software is a great resource for anyone who is struggling with their own essay and needs help to finish the project.The software is very user friendly and anyone who is relatively new to writing or editing can utilize the software and then move on to the intermediate level when they get better withit. It can also b e used by people who are going through college, but do not necessarily want to attend a writing program. These people can use the software for an essay on a topic that interests them and does not necessarily fall into a specific genre.The main purpose of this software is to help the writer understand how to structure and edit their essay. This can be a valuable tool for anyone who is struggling with an essay and wants some advice on what to do next. It is also a good way to learn how to proofread your own essay before submitting it.The Compendium of Exposetory Essay Examples website gives all of the different types of essay samples available for people to choose from. The person can check them out and make sure they understand all of the steps needed to produce a well-written essay. This is a useful tool for any kind of essay writing or editing because it can help people get familiar with all of the different steps needed to do so.Anyone who is unsure of how to write an essay should consider using the software available on the website. Not only is it effective but it can also save time for the person. This will help them in accomplishing their goal to finish their essay on time.
Essay of Interest Reu Samples
<h1>Essay of Interest Reu Samples</h1><p>I as of late had the chance to take a quick trip and see one of my preferred paper free examples set up by a neighborhood school. I figure you will be intrigued with the nature of composing that this one came out with. Check it out.</p><p></p><p>There are numerous approaches to make an exposition simpler to compose. Composing an article is one of them, however it doesn't need to be troublesome. By utilizing great paper free examples and great exposition reu assets you can make your composing time progressively beneficial and enjoyable.</p><p></p><p>When composing an article, you are confronted with a ton of choices about where to put certain data in your exposition. Step by step instructions to express or explain certain pieces of an article. How much data you ought to remember for your paper. These are on the whole inquiries that you have to settle on yourself before you start writing.</p><p></p><p>When settling on choices about how much data to remember for your paper, you have to choose which some portion of your exposition is generally significant and afterward choose the amount you ought to remember for that part. You need to put forth sure you are placing your best attempt into your exposition and that you aren't overlooking any significant information.</p><p></p><p>As you are composing your paper, you have to ensure that you are not including additional data since you don't have the foggiest idea what else to place in your article. There are such huge numbers of various themes that an exposition can be about. In the event that you are uncertain about what to remember for your paper, simply make sure to incorporate your own life as an approach to add profundity to your essay.</p><p></p><p>Including an individual encounter or a contextual investigation in your article is an incred ible method to ensure that you add more profundity to your exposition. There are various kinds of papers that you can compose, for example, authentic, scholastic, or even an exposition from an independent perspective. You have to ensure that the data you incorporate is applicable to the subject of your essay.</p><p></p><p>Whatever your theme for your exposition is you can utilize these free article tests to make your creative cycle quicker and progressively charming. This is an incredible method to help you in your objective of composing a top notch essay.</p>
Friday, May 8, 2020
How Important Is The List Of Narrative Essay Topics?
How Important Is The List Of Narrative Essay Topics?A couple of weeks ago, I went searching for the list of narrative essay topics and came up empty. It wasn't until I went back and started looking that I realized how important it is to have this list when writing. I also realized that I need to be thinking about this in advance of my efforts.You see, as a writer, you are your own worst critic. And just like with any other writer's tools, they come with their own limitations. So be prepared to use them to their maximum. What do I mean by this?Here's what I mean: if you just start writing without a plan, you will most likely make mistakes in the wrong way. To fix this, try rephrasing the essay before you even get started. This will keep you focused on your subject and allow you to build a plan. This approach allows you to know exactly where you are going and what you are attempting to accomplish.When you begin your writing, you should have a clear goal in mind. This goal can be part o f the first paragraph of your story or it can be in the middle of the first chapter. Whatever you decide to do, be clear about it before you start your writing.The real question you must ask yourself, before you begin writing, is this: 'what is the purpose of this piece?' You must ask yourself, what does this story have to do with the world we live in? How will your story affect the reader? Who will this story affect?How will this story impact my reader is an important part of this question. You may be surprised to find out that the purpose of your story really doesn't matter. After all, the purpose of life is the same as the purpose of your story: to be a story. Your purpose may be to teach something, or entertain, or just share with people. But as long as it has something to say, that is all that matters.As a professional writer, these are some of the questions you will want to ask yourself. They are the questions that will allow you to build a plan for your story. They will also allow you to start your planning before you even begin writing.With a little planning, these lists of narrative essay topics will come in handy. It will keep you focused on your goals while keeping you from making mistakes that could cause you to miss the mark.
The Constitution Guard Of History
The Constitution Guard Of HistoryIn a high school assembly with hundreds of students, there is a group of about 20 students that has a very close relationship. As part of the assembly, these students discuss their teacher's records with each other.They may draw a picture of the teacher with a particular history in their classroom and discuss their record. It is then placed on the wall where other teachers and the teacher's history will be identified. This is the Constitution Guard of history.Each time they get the opportunity to draw a picture of a teacher, that teacher is the Constitution Guard. They will thank the teacher and then do their share of the talk. They have done their share to give their student teacher. They have lifted their eyes up and spoke.As they study the Constitution Guard of History, they will get a chance to know their teacher. If they want to speak, they are allowed to speak as a group. They are the ones that should be remembered.Another group in the history w ill be the Constitution Guard of Politics. In other words, these students will learn how to write a political debate.These students will write a debate after each other. They will begin their debate by explaining why the other candidates did not do a good job at giving the speech. They will use their viewpoint to explain why the candidates did not do a good job. They will then use their own point of view to talk about why they think the other candidates did a good job.There will be another group in the debate that will be the one to talk. There will be one tohelp explain the political stances that the teacher has. They will write a statement about what the teacher thinks and why. As they do this, the other student will continue to talk in the other group of students.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Fire And Ice By Robert Frost - 1349 Words
The great debate of whether the world will end in a fiery ball of destruction or a frozen wasteland has baffled the minds of many people. A man named Robert Frost has written a poem called Fire and Ice that describes his thoughts on how he would prefer to leave this world. Upon reading this poem, the reader can derive two distinct meanings of fire and ice; one being of actual fire and ice destroying the world, and the other having symbols for the fire and ice, such as fire being desire or passion and ice being hatred and deceit. Although this poem is one of his shortest poems with only nine lines, it is also one of the most famous works that he has ever created. The poem Fire and Ice was written in the early 1920 s and was published in 1923. World War I was the biggest war of its time and was meant to be the war that ended all wars. In the year 1914, an Austrian Archduke named Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist. This incident sparked many other events that will lead to the outbreak of the biggest war that the world has ever seen. World War I was fought primarily between the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire) and the Allied Powers (Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, and Japan), lasting four long years and ending in November of 1918. At the end of World War I, nearly twenty-one million soldiers had been wounded and the war cost the lives of roughly 19 million people; 9 million being soldiers, and the other 10Show MoreRelatedFire and Ice by Robert Frost 628 Words à |à 3 Pagesto the poem ââ¬Å"Fire and Iceâ⬠that many can still relate to today? The popular poem ââ¬Å"Fire and Iceâ⬠, was written in in 1920. This poem was very controversial when it was first published. This poem seems to deal with the question ââ¬Å"How will the world end?â⬠Many scientists have different opinions on not only when the world will end, but more specifically how it will end. This poem implies that when dealing with the end of the world, it will end in one of two ways; in fire or in ice. Nearly 100 yearsRead MoreFire And Ice By Robert Frost947 Words à |à 4 PagesThere is more than a million poems in the world it seems that are written by Robert Frost, but the most interesting is his Fire and Ice Poem. While reading poetry is not a strong point for some people poetry can open up a whole new world of ideas within a few short sentences no matter how big or small the poem is. Fire and Ice by Robert Frost seems to want to tell the reader how the world might end which mostly true but on the other hand the poem bring out a whole oth er meaning to just how pressesRead MoreEssayââ¬Å"Fire and Iceâ⬠by Robert Frost854 Words à |à 4 Pagesbelieve Robert Frostââ¬â¢s poem ââ¬Å"Fire and Iceâ⬠is meant to express. Although the poem is short, it holds a very interesting question to think about. What way would you prefer the world to end? There are two choices. In his poem ââ¬Å"Fire and Iceâ⬠, Robert Frost compares and contrasts the two destructive forces: fire and ice. In the first two lines of the poem he presents two options for the end of the world, ââ¬Å"Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in iceâ⬠. I feel that he uses the term fire, not toRead MoreFire and Ice Robert Frost Commentary822 Words à |à 4 Pagesââ¬ËFire and Iceââ¬â¢ - Robert Frost In the poem ââ¬ËFire and Iceââ¬â¢ Robert Frost explains how the world will end by either fire or ice. The poet uses these two primal elements to serve as a metaphor for the destructive powers of the universal human emotions. ââ¬ËDesireââ¬â¢ which he associates with fire, and ââ¬Ëhateââ¬â¢ which he associates with ice. The poet uses the first person singular and concludes that from personal experience he sides withRead MoreFire and Ice by Robert Frost Essay example519 Words à |à 3 PagesFire and Ice by Robert Frost The poem Fire and Ice is a poem written by Robert Frost, and published in 1923. This is a nine-line poem: Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I have tasted of desire, I hold those who favor ice. But if I had to parish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice. This is one of Robert Frost simplest poems. When I initiallyRead MorePoem Analysis of Fire and Ice by Robert Frost Essay857 Words à |à 4 Pagesknow the poem ââ¬Å"Fire and Iceâ⬠by Robert Frost. It is pretty famous. But do most people know the meaning of this unique poem? What does Robert Frost mean when he writes ââ¬Å"if the world had to perish twice?â⬠Although it is short, ââ¬Å"Fire and Iceâ⬠is a puzzling poem filled with words that hold a meaning that we have to unlock. In the poem, Frost is the narrator and he is speaking to the readers. The issue that Frost discusses is if the world will end in a blazing fire or in freezing ice. Based on the poemRead MorePoem Analysis of Fire and Ice by Robert Frost and The Day They Came For Our House by Don Mattera1916 Words à |à 8 Pagespower, and the power of passion. The 20th and 21st centurys have illustrated clearly the deadly potential of power, and not just to the possessor of the power but also to those over whom it is exercised. The poems Fire and Ice and The Day They Came For Our House by Robert Frost and Don Mattera respectively, perfectly convey the idea of the destructive nature of power, the poems are both concerned with Mortality of Age. The ideal readers of these poems are people old enough to understand howRead More Robert Frostââ¬â¢s Fire and Ice Essays991 Words à |à 4 PagesRobert Frostââ¬â¢s Fire and Ice Fire and Ice is a popular poem written in 1923 by Robert Frost. It is a very well known poem and is used in many high schools and colleges today. Many students along with various critics read this poem as Frostââ¬â¢s idea as to how the world is going to end. People also take this in a Biblical sense, because the passage that God states the next time he destroys the world, it will be in fire. He blatantly states in the first lines, ââ¬Å"Some say the world will end in fireRead More Analysis of Robert Frosts Fire and Ice Essay1087 Words à |à 5 PagesAnalysis of Robert Frosts Fire and Ice à à à à For Robert Frost, poetry and life à à à à à were one and the same.à In an interview he said, One thing I care about, à à à à à and wish young people could care about, is taking poetry as the first form à à à à à of understanding.à Each Robert Frost poem strikes a chord somewhere, each à à à à à poem bringing us closer to life with the compression of feeling and à à à à à emotion into so few words.à This essay will focus on one particularRead MoreBitterness: Poetry and World1016 Words à |à 5 PagesIn the past and present, there have been numerous poets who have composed similar pieces to those of other poets. In 1859, Emily Dickinson produced Success is counted sweetest. In1923, Robert Frost wrote Fire and Ice. That same year, Wallace Stevens created Gubbinal. These three poems share much in common. They contain many of the same elements of poetry, such as connotative meaning, imagery, symbolism, and tone. First, the three famous poems all possess a connotative meaning . Within
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Strategic Marketing Management Challenges to Financial Inclusion
Question: Describe about the Case Study for Strategic Marketing Management for Challenges to Financial Inclusion. Answer: Introduction The real estate sector of India is growing at a fast rate and is recognised in the global platform (Chadchan and Shankar 2012). The growth and development of the real estate sector of India can be seen through the developments in the following fields: Retail Entertainment industry like multiplexes Hospitality and hotels or resorts Economic services like schools and hospitals Information technology enabled services like BPOs and call centres It is expected that by 2020, the realty sector will reach US$180 billion ( 2016). With the growing real estate market in India, property prices are constantly on the rise (Gandhi and Walton 2012). With the technological advancements enabling users to access property information via cell phone apps, and search for properties via portable personal devices such as iPad, various online property portals have emerged around the world, even in developing nations like in India. With a population of 1.25 Billion (2013) in India, the real estate market is worth an estimated of $25 Billion and growing (Brosius 2012). Since April 2000 until June 2014, the Real Estate sector that includes construction projects, built-up infrastructure, housing and townships has been able to gain a FDI worth US$ 24 million (Schulte 2012). Due to low level of bank funding provided to the real estate sector and attractive valuations, the private equity (PE) funding has grown at a steep rate (Crowe et al. 2013). It has been seen that in the first quarter of the year 2014, Delhi NCR has able to gain PE investments worth Rs 80 crore that accounts to be US$ 13.22 million (Taylor et al. 2012). It is expected that the initiative of the government to introduce policies and subsidies that will help the buyers and the developers will fruitful for the real estate sector in the year 2014. Market size The commercial sector of the real estate has grown at a steep rate (Deere et al. 2013). The biggest example of the growth of the commercial real estate is the city of Mumbai in India. It is estimated that Mumbai is ready with returns of around 12 to 19 percent in the coming five years. Bangalore and Delhi NCR acquire the second and third position respectively. Bangalore is expected to give a return of 12 percent and Delhi NCR is expected to give a return of 8 to 11 percent (Baka 2013). The residential sector of the real estate in India is also flourishing tremendously (Khanna 2013). Some of the factors that have resulted in the growth of the residential sector are: Steep growth in the population of the country Migration in the urban areas Plenty Job opportunities in the service sectors Increase in the levels of income Easy financial help The numbers show a clear growth in the residential sector especially in the city of Bangalore. India has been able to witness the growth of units in eight major cities (Sarathy 2013). In the first quarter of the year 2014, the number of new developments has increased by 55,000 units, which accounts to be an increase of forty-three percent in the real estate sector (Sami 2013). Mumbai and Chennai come second and third after Bangalore. In the first quarter, Mumbai has been able to witness a growth of 10,698 units and Chennai has been able to witness a growth of 7436 units. The growth rate is 93 percent and 191 percent in Mumbai and Chennai respectively (Searle 2014). It is estimated that there were about 10,000 property sale transactions in the six major cities alone in India in 2013(Rouanet and Halbert 2016). This included Mumbai, Delhi, Calcutta, Chennai, Bangalore and Hyderabad. The transactions comprised of sale of residential and commercial properties. Although, it is difficult to record the statistics, it is estimated that around 30,000 property rental transactions took place in 2014 in major cities in India (Chatterji 2013). The demand for the properties is always high near the business hubs that are located in the business districts in the metropolitan cities of the country (Mrinalini, Nath and Sandhya 2013). However, only the luxury and premium real estate developers are attracted to those due to the high price of the areas. Market Structure In India, residential property is advertised through brokers who maintain database of properties available in the local area. Meetings would be organised with prospect buyers and the brokers would typically receive approximately between 1 to 2% of the property sale value (Ananth and nc 2013). Property Developers traditionally advertised their products and services locally through billboard advertisements and through advertising in online realty portals (Rapoport 2014) . There are currently several Online Portals offering a marketplace for sellers and buyers. Subscription is charged for sellers wishing to list their property on the portal. However, no dedicated online marketplace for Property rental listings and shared accommodation listings exist currently. Unlike the United Kingdom, there are no estate agents in India, where a database of properties rentals would be maintained (Jongwanich and Kohpaiboon 2013). Property owners and tenants have to rely on newspaper ads and online portals like the below. com com com com com High Level Strategic Analysis With the emergence of web-based technologies, it is possible for sellers and property owners to reach a wider market (Ramaiah et al. 2013). With high demand for housing in the metropolitan cities, property owners, and property developers could advertise properties nationwide. As a new Enterprise entering the web based Property Portal competing space, it is very important for KAMRAFINDER.COM to identify the target market, understand the needs of rapidly changing socio-economic climate of the State. It is also essential to define the companys unique selling point (USP) and the value proposition for its customers (Bhagat and Jones 2013). Value Proposition The four key questions within the value proposition (Tovstiga 2013) were asked during the initial workshops and brainstorming with the business partners. These discussions raised further questions, insights and some answers including strategic facts that were later discovered in further research (Searle 2014). Why does KAMRAFINDER.COM want to pursue this market segment? Is there an alternate market segment? The existing property portals list Properties for sale. Revenue is generated through subscription from sellers wishing to advertise and list their property for sale. There is currently no dedicated online portal for Property rental listing. Furthermore, there exists an opportunity to provide a platform for shared accommodation for young professionals (generally single working people) in major cities who are only looking for a room in a shared accommodation (Halbert and Rouanet 2014). The existing portals were cluttered with advertisements from developers and builders looking to promote their new builds on the front page, resulting in a poor customer experience. The homepage and the subsequent landing pages lacked structure and were not user friendly. KAMRAFINDER.COM would see this as a weakness among the competitors and would look to leverage the skills within the team to provide a positive user experience. We felt we could learn from the mistakes of these existing portals and offer an enhanced user experience with an aim of giving our primary customers (property owners and tenants) and secondary customers (Investors) a visually superior online platform. Where does KAMRAFINDER.COM see an opportunity? Although some established portals (with focus on real estate and property sales) had rental listings, none of the portals offered a marketplace for renting rooms in shared accommodation or Paying Guest (PG) type accommodation. This is an untouched market segment. We at KAMRAFINDER.COM felt that being the first to provide a dedicated online marketplace for shared housing rentals, and paying guest type accommodation, we could capitalise on these alternate market segments (and associated revenue streams) discussed in more detail in Section3.1 of this report. This is in addition to conventional Property Rental Listings. Figure 1: (Source: Drucker 1994) What will KAMRAFINDERs differentiated offer be? Some of the proposals included offering subscription free rental property listings in the first year of launch, whilst not compromising on the user experience and user friendliness that will be evident from the first touch point (that is, on the landing page) (Thomas 2014). We felt that by focusing on making the Portal intuitive and informative, we would generate more traffic that is one of primary business objectives of this Enterprise. There were proposals to offer premium content such as blogs and articles about how to effectively advertise properties for rent. Blogging on Tips on attracting corporate lets would potentially attract more visitors to the Portal. Providing a dedicated page for listing of small-related businesses such as Tradesmen plumbers, electricians and property interiors specialists, would potentially increase traffic to the Portal. How will KAMRAFINDER.COM make a difference? The intention is create a Rental Property portal that becomes a trusted source of both information (rental trends) and comprehensive database of easily searchable rental property listing (Shatkin 2014). Although the first year will be subscription free, the intent is that the primary source of revenue would be through subscriptions and advertising of trades services on a dedicated page. (Plumbing, Electrician, Carpenter etc.) (Fereidouni and Al-mulali 2014). The board also considered advertisements as a source of revenue, but decided that it did not resonate with the initial strategy of KAMRAFINDER.COM. With an experienced graphic design team that have combined experience of 20 years working on developing various ecommerce portals, the team can create an unparalleled user experience (Squires and Heurkens 2014). Over the last six months, the company has analysed its approach to launching the portal and has documented business processes that are proven to generate and grow traffic to the Portal. It is this understanding of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and the impact of Social Media that is a key differentiator (Mitra and Ray 2014). The co-founders behind this Portal have strong online marketing experience complimented with an understanding of property trends and infrastructure. Having dealt with brokers, for property purchase and sale, provided valuable insights into the typical challenges faced by customers (Pethe et al. 2014). Marketing is the key to generate traffic and superior user experience is the key to retaining those users. The Portals Unique Competing Space (UCS) Figure 2: Unique competing space (Source: Mehrotra et al. 2014) In order for KAMRAFINDER.COM to succeed, it is necessary to create its own (UCS) Unique Competing space, ideally a space without competitors. This may be impossible, but in leveraging the online marketing expertise within the company and a good strategy, we believe that we can create a new online marketplace for Landlords (providing house share for professionals and young couples) and Tenants (couples and young graduates) looking to find economical accommodation as well as traditional Property lets (Rajan 2014). Using the UCS framework drew out questions such as: What does the target market consist of?, Who is our Target Market?, and what requirements for information does KAMRAFINDER.COM fulfil? Secondly, Who is the Competition? In terms of the internal organisation, what are our strengths and how can weaknesses be addressed? Competition and Customers Competition was seen from two groups of portals. One definition of competition was any online portal that offered property rental listings, in other words an online marketplace for customers looking to let or rent properties (Sornette and Cauwels 2014). Visitors to such portals would typically consist of property owners, looking to let properties and tenants looking to rent from them for a fixed term. Competition from established Property Portals is shown in Figure 2. The primary focus is on Property Sale Listings and less focus on Property Rental Listing. Visitors to these competitor portals would typically consist of first time buyers, investment buyers and casual visitors. It was clear that majority of competitor web portals focused on Property Sales only (Ghertner 2014). Very few Portals provided Property Rental listings. Furthermore, none of the portals had shared accommodation listings (Chadchan and Shankar 2012). The board also felt that by making the portal informative with subscription free access to interesting blogs and articles related to Property Renting process, property find process and promoting the benefits of using KAMRAFINDER.COM, would add value. In addition providing a demographic listing of tradesmen such as Plumbers, Electricians, Carpenters, builders and locksmiths, would also improve web traffic (Gandhi and Walton 2012). The aim of the Social Media Marketing is to extend the area of the Unique Competing Space (UCS), whilst preventing competitive forces from reducing this space. Shared boundary with Competitors (1) There are pressures on both sides of this boundary. The threat to this boundary from Competitors is the fact that they can easily develop a similar portal to KAMRAFINDER.COM, with existing resources leveraging their position, market share and customer base. Our board believe that these established portals currently do not focus on the Property rental market segment. There could be copycats, based on the success of KAMRAFINDER.COM. Customer Interface boundary (2) The initial goal of KAMRAFINDER.COM, is to move this boundary outwards. Pushing the boundary outwards would mean that more demands and needs of the customer are being met. Identifying these demands was carried out during a brain storming session and led to a number of insights. Strategic Insight: Marketing/Media push Creating and engaging with a community is paramount. Hits and web traffic to the portal can be generated through marketing smartly through social media. Providing users with useful insights like property prices, property rental returns etc., could also influence positively on pushing the Customer interface boundary (2) outwards. Producing interesting blogs and directing readers to the portal has also proven to deliver increased hits. Internal Threshold (3) The internal threshold boundary is also important for the portals growth. Maintaining the ease of access and visual experience of the portal across multiple platforms (PC, Smartphone and personal hand held devices) is vitally as important as the other boundaries. The Portal must be capable of delivering a pleasurable viewing experience across all such platforms. Developing a Smartphone App is also being considered as a future strategic goal to keep up with constantly changing Internet and communications age. A recent study by Deloitte has shown for Mobile Apps it is not always easy to turn activity into revenue (Curtis 2014). The Key Success Factors for any new online venture must include turning hits or web traffic into revenue. The way people access information on the World Wide Web is constantly changing. With the advent of Personal and portable hand held devices, it is vital for a new portal to be accessible on multiple platforms (Brosius 2012). Development of people resources, and adaptability to rapid technological advancements are linked and enable pushing third boundary outwards. Strategic Insight: App An App is an application downloaded to a Mobile or Tablet device that engages with the consumer, delivering content and interactive content. An App could be developed and distributed through iStore and Android app stores. Apps are normally free and monetising these are proving harder as Deloitte has discovered, (Curtis 2014). Business Objectives During a series of workshops, the board brainstormed to define measurable business goals, with focus on short-term goals (Schulte 2012). It was clear that monetizing from the portal through property rental listings would be a long-term goal, but the immediate target was to generate web traffic and register property rental listings. The top three short-term business targets were: Achieving 10,000 to 50,000 hits (page views) per month within the first year of launch Register a minimum of 500 residential property listings per month in the first year Newspaper Campaign to promote the services and product offering Aim to build a database of Tradesmen in major cities in the first three months. Communicate Success stories and Testimonials. Goal 1 could easily be tracked using Google Analytics. Goal 2 could be measured internally through Portals Content Management System. Value Disciplines To achieve these business objectives KAMRAFINDER.COM needed to consider all three dimensions of the value disciplines (Treacy and Wiersema 1993). Carrying out this exercise provided many strategic insights that the Enterprise could pursue. Customer Intimacy Whenever there an organization takes the help of a customer-based approach, it adheres to the following factors: Listens to the customers Live up to the requirements of the customers Focus on long-term relationship with the customers Once the organization will aim at continuously improving the services given to the customers, it will be able to develop an intimacy with the customers that will be long lasting (Crowe et al. 2013) . Customer relationship management (CRM) will be used to excel in the strategy. The growth of the business can be understood with the help of the following business model Figure 3: Customer Relationship Management model (Source: Taylor et al. 2012) As the model suggest, the growth of the business is mainly depended on three factors: Acquire Retain Extend An organization needs to acquire the customers and the business, retain the customers and expand their business. In the process, information technology, shareholder value creation and marketing orientation will help the organization to create a strong foothold in the market. One of the ways to measure the success of Marketing and Customer Intimacy with an online portal is to track the number of hits achieved in a period and the track the amount of time spent by the user on the specific pages (Deere et al. 2013). Purpose of the users visit to the portal can be derived in various ways. If tone was a registered customer, one would normally logon to browse property listing or post a new listing. If the user is visiting to read interesting articles, this can also be monitored and reported (Baka 2013). It was evident during brainstorming that by providing innovative and informative content would add value and aid to convert a user into a customer. Strategic Insight: Targeted Social Media marketing can generate hits and improve customer Intimacy. Blogging on Social Media will help drive hits. A more sustained and widespread social media policy and engagement may increase hits substantially. Promoting success stories and channelling the feedback to improve the service and product offering will deliver value and positively strengthen customer intimacy. Product Leadership Two factors are important for the organization that aims at developing a product leadership in the market: Development of the product Product innovation Acquire leadership in the market for the particular products or service (state-of-the-art products) The characteristics of such organization are: Continuous innovation that will be liked by both old and new customers Give time in research and development Flexible structure Concentrates on better performance and creativity among the employees Similar Portals did not currently have dedicated Property rental listings. The board unanimously agreed that the current competitor sites, lacked structure, were complicated to use and were cluttered with advertising. Designing the new portal to address these issues, would offer a superior product with a visually enhanced viewing experience with no ads. It was debated and agreed that Subscription free rental listing in the first year, was not sufficient to achieve Product Leadership (Khanna 2013). A good balance of Newspaper and Media Marketing combined with Social Media marketing is the key to cementing sizable market share in the segment. Operational Excellence The organizations that will provide the customers with products that are of high quality at price that is suitable by all types of customers, then the organization is said to be focussing on cost leadership. The focus of the organization is to streamline the process internally. With any Enterprise, achieving operational excellence is a continuous process. Implementing processes to evaluate constantly changing needs of customers combined with development of internal people resources through training and coaching will improve organisational efficiency (Sarathy 2013). Sustained growth and innovation to improve Organisational Efficiency will deliver Operational excellence. An Organisation that has a good balance of Product Leadership, Customer Intimacy and Operational Excellence will have Competitive Advantage over the Competitors (Sami 2013). Quality of Product, ability to deliver Quantity at cheap costs, and providing value added services in a new market segment is recipe for success for an Organisation entering a new market segment. Figure 4: Value Disciplines (Source: Treacy and Wiersema 1993) Supporting Level Strategic Analysis External context focused PEST Analysis The Macro Economic Environment in which an organization or sector operates will influence its performance (Searle 2014). Depending on the amount of reliability provided by the health of the overall economy on the companys business, the amount of the influence will vary accordingly. PEST analysis below enabled the board to draw key insights on the real estate property trends in India. Political With the Government allowing 100% foreign direct investment (FDI) in this sector, the number of foreign firms owning real estate projects in India has seen an inclining trend. Government Tax Breaks for Property Buyers (First time and Investment) has increased the number of Housing Loan Applications, which has resulted in demand for more Property developments. Government policies with respect to Stamp Duty can impact the real estate market, resulting in more property rental transactions. Social and Economic The Indian real estate sector continues to be a favored sector for investments from international as well as private investors. In the upcoming years, the residential as well as commercial segments of the real estate industry is set for major growth, aided by the government's plans and initiatives to boost this sector. In August 2013, the Indian Rupee had crashed to a record low of around 68.825 per US$ (Rs 100 per British Pound). This immediately encouraged large corpus of FDI in the Real Estate segment. With Inflation on the rise, more and more young professionals and graduates prefer sharing a flat or house with other people. Homeowners on low income, who have a spare room or two to let, also welcome this. Paying Guest type accommodation has been popular for several years, where the rental charged included two or three meals a day. This generally is a win-win situation for the landlord and the tenant. Instances where people relocated to another city due to a new job or other reasons, it was increasingly difficult to find a property to rent, due to lack of streamlined channels to search for properties to let. People usually relied on word of mouth marketing, through friends and family, which took time. Acquiring a first home has become a mammoth task for first time buyers due to rising house prices, rising inflation, rising bank interest rates and stringent financial and credit requirements. With stricter banking regulations, housing loans are tending to become out of reach for working class people in India. A combination of such factors has resulted in increase in property rental transactions. Additionally people tend to rent for several years, before they can afford to buy a place on their own. Young working professionals have relied on financial support from family to cough up deposits to get on the property ladder. Without such support young graduates and professionals, have to rent until, they can save up sufficiently. KAMRAFINDER.COM can add value in listing shared accommodation and paying guest type accommodation in addition to conventional house and flat lets. Currently, no portal that listed commercial properties like, office space, warehouse rentals, corporate building leases and retail unit rentals). This was seen as another alternate market segment that could be explored further. There is no streamlined portal or organization offering this service in the major cities. Technology With the Electronic speed crazy age of Smartphone, portable personal devices and handheld devices, more and more consumers want to be able to access information on the palm of their hands. With development of Communications Infrastructure in the country, it is necessary to keep pace with the innovation in Technology to sustain growth. It is one of the future objectives to develop a Property Rental search App that can be accessed with a Smartphone or hand held electronic device. Investment in developing internal resources is also the key to sustain growth with the rapid technological advancements. Porters Five Forces Analysis Figure 5: Porters Five Forces Analysis (Source: E. Dobbs 2014) Michael Porter provided a Framework that models an Industry as being influenced by five forces. The Strategic business manager seeking to develop an edge over rival firms can use this model to better understand the Industry context in which the firm operates. According to Porter, An industrys profit potential is largely determined by the intensity of competitive rivalry within that industry. Competitive Rivalry It is believed that there is low rivalry among Property portals for the service that is offered (Rouanet and Halbert 2016). There is no clear market leader and the market share keeps shifting, and is directly associated with listing costs for properties on the portal. A segment is disciplined if rivalry among firms in an Industry segment is low. However, a Maverick firm with a competitive advantage can displace the otherwise disciplined market. When a competitor acts in a way that elicits a counter response by other firms, rivalry intensifies. The intensity of rivalry commonly is referred to as being cutthroat, intense, moderate or weak, based on the firms aggressiveness in attempting to gain an advantage. The board view this market segment to be disciplined with no clear market leader. In pursuing an advantage over its rivals, KAMRAFINDER.COM can choose to implement several competitive strategies detailed below. Changing prices Raising or lowering prices to gain a temporary advantage By providing subscription free listing in the first year of launch, KAMRAFINDER.COM can establish a market share (Chatterji 2013). Product differentiation Improving features, implementing innovative technology in the product and service offered. Improving the visual appearance and designing the portal to be user friendly, will enhance user experience (Mrinalini, Nath and Sandhya 2013). Biggest differentiator would be that with no ads, and providing shared property listing, this will encourage more hits. Features including Hot Property feature listing for Premium members and Property verification services would differentiate the portal from others. Providing rewards in the form of discounted premium listing, for leaving feedback after a successful introduction (Ananth and nc 2013). Providing dedicated customer support lines for Landlords and tenants would add to positive brand image. Initially revenue generation will only be through charging trades people or property related trades business to advertise their services on a separate dedicated page. This is currently not available in any of the other existing property portals (Das 2014). Revenue generating Services would include reference and credit checking tenants. Publishing information on rental trends by city, free rental advice for registered members and publishing various renting and relocation guides to generate page views Internal context focused VRIO Analysis VRIO framework was used to analyze sources of the Enterprises internal competitive advantage. VRIO analysis asks four questions = Is a resource: Valuable? Rare? Easy to Imitate? And is a firm Organized to capture the value of the resources? A resource or capability that meets all four requirements can bring sustained competitive advantage to the organization. Internal people resources (design and development team) were valuable and key to the growth of the organization. Although skill set was not rare, they were difficult to find, recruit and replace. Using the framework in Figure 6, the people resources provided temporary competitive advantage. Using the VRIO framework, the additional services offered by KAMRAFINDER.COM are unique, they can be easily be imitated. Moreover, the filtered database of construction related tradesmen and businesses could be easily replicated and copied (Shah 2012). Although the database is only available to registered members, anyone can register to gain access to this information. Rental trends are another premium feature, which currently is published elsewhere. This feature would only provide temporary competitive advantage, but can be duplicated easily on other portals. Tenant Credit and reference check service is something that is not offered currently, would be valuable to Landlords, and is difficult to imitate (Rapoport 2014). With marketing and organizational effort, the firm can be geared to capture value. This will help sustain competitive advantage. Other special portal features such as Property of the month, verified properties, recommended tenants etc. will add value and assist sustai n competitive advantage. Figure 6: Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage VRIO Framework (Source:J.B. Barney and W.S. Hesterly 2006) KSF Analysis - KAMRAFINDER.COM As part of the management workshop, each member of the board was asked to independently come up with three activities for the launch of the portal to be successful. It was decided that members would then read out the three activities, any similarities will be categorized under a common theme, and any differences will be debated to finally arrive at key success factors (KSF) (Jongwanich and Kohpaiboon 2013). The results surprised us all and we came up with activities that could be classified under three broad themes: Brand Marketing, Hit Generation or web traffic and Operational Excellence. This more or less resonated with the results of Value Discipline Analysis (Ramaiah et al. 2013). Hit Generation and driving web traffic is part of providing a user-friendly portal. Ensuring that customer support staff our trained at communicating effectively with customers, was also very important to maintaining customer intimacy and ensuring there no service downtime is key to Operational Excellence (Bhagat and Jones 2013). Security of critical customer information had to be taken seriously. Effective Marketing is also an important ingredient to the success. SWOT KAMRAFINDER.COM Analyzing the internal strengths and weaknesses enabled some harder questions to be asked both of the companys resources and what they should actually be used for. For example, the realization that being good at Online Marketing did not just translate into strength, rather there was a financial gap in finding the funds for a successful marketing campaign. Strengths Strong Online Marketing experience Professional Network with influential business Entrepreneurs Good understanding of Property Rental Market Good understanding of Real Estate markets Superior product the portal Strong Organization with good leadership Strong people values and HR support functions to develop staff Training and development opportunities from experienced Entrepreneurs Revenue through alternate streams and not through advertising Ideas for alternate revenue streams Weakness Limited Financial Resources and Marketing budget Reliance on Social Media Marketing No main revenue streams in the first year of launch, due to business strategy to not charge for property listing Lack of Data security expertise within the organization A new brand, yet to launch Lack of technical skills to develop an iStore and Android App. Probably need to outsource this activity Lack of Skilled IT support personnel to ensure minimum downtime Opportunities Entering a Commercial Lettings market segment Strategic Alliance with Corporate for letting and property management for corporate guesthouses Innovation and Technology Innovation and Continuous Improvement into Operational processes Featured Marketing in leading newspapers and business magazines Tenant Reference check service as alternate revenue stream Subscription revenue from listing and verifying tradesmen and small home-related businesses Threats Copycat portals are potential threat Existing portals with large capital can copy the idea and enter this market segment Loss of skilled workforce to competitors Strong competition from copycat portals Strategic Portal features and Services The various internal and external frameworks helped develop interesting strategic insights into the sort of features that would improve the product and services offered, thus creating value (Searle 2014). Features Subscription Free Templates for rental contracts would be added value to members. A forum for users to provide feedback and propose additional services they would like to see was also proposed. A separate page for Reviews of Tradesmen and businesses Maintain and Publish rental trends classified by demographic areas in major cities. Loyalty / Reward schemes for referrals Featured property listing: Featured listing of Property rentals by City. Verified badge for Properties verified by the customer service department. Dashboard for property owners providing detailed summary of Properties advertised, number of page views, number of likes, contact details of prospective tenants and provision to edit, delete or add more properties (Halbert and Rouanet 2014). Facility to add links to the portal and post property ads on Social Media sites. Free Rental Yield Advice to Landlords. Dedicated listing of house-share / shared accommodation and paying guest type accommodation. Revenue generating Services Tenant Reference and credit checking service to Landlords. This service would consist of requesting bank statements, payslips and reference requests from employer and previous landlord. There is currently no agency offering this service. Another avenue for Revenue generation would be premium subscription based listing of Commercial Property Rentals (Thomas 2014). This could include Office space, corporate building leases, retail units and warehouse leasing. Yellow Pages Database of Tradesmen and Home related businesses. Dedicated page for listing of registered and vetted tradesmen and home related businesses such as Electrical Suppliers, Plumbing suppliers, home appliance suppliers and bespoke furniture Suppliers in each of the major cities (Shatkin 2014). Strategic Option and Recommendations It was evident that to launch the new portal in the market, a significant Marketing campaign was essential. With limited financial resources, people resources and virtually no brand awareness, KAMRAFINDER.COM has to choose from one or a combination of the following strategic marketing options. Option 1: Social Media Marketing and Internet Marketing channels (B2C). Internet marketing is much bigger than Google and Facebook. The following are the marketing strategies that organization uses to drive traffic to their portals. 1A) Search Engine Optimization When users search on Google, two types of results come up: paid and unpaid. Unpaid search results rely on algorithms that determine the relevancy of your website compared to the search terms or keywords. Where you land on these unpaid search results depends on search engine optimization (SEO). Solid SEO can determine how high up you appear in the search results, often called your page rank. 1B)Pay Per Click (PPC) Campaigns PPC Campaigns are where an organization defines certain keywords and combination of keywords and certain geographical parameters and pays Google to show up in paid search results. PPC campaigns can burn through the marketing budget unless the keywords are selected carefully and configured accurately for targeted marketing. The higher an organization is prepared to pay for the keyword, the better the position of the search result listing. By leveraging both SEO and well-configured PPC campaigns the Portal can achieve high page rank and better position in the listings. This helps generate web traffic to the portal. 1C) Social Media Marketing Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, and YouTube can reach millions of the intended target market. A corporate profile page helps engages with current and potential customers. This can help achieve customer intimacy. Providing links from social media pages to the portal, will aid improving page ranking. This also drives web traffic. 1D) Mobile Marketing Still in its infancy, millions of Smartphone users are clamouring to get the best applications and mobile technologies available. Mobile phone users download free mobile games from the Apple Store and Google Play (Android Application store). There are ads embedded in the free games that help monetize by In App Advertising. This is one of the economical channels for Marketing for organisation with a smaller marketing budget. 1E) Video Marketing Billions of people share and view original videos at YouTube, Founded in 2005, YouTube stands as the third highest ranked search engine in the world, after Google and Facebook. But how do you create that one video that goes viral? What elements do you need to take your video from 100 views to 10 million views? Despite the challenges, experts predict that Video Marketing will outpace the growth of traditional TV advertising. 1F) Display Advertising For the organization, which has huge budget for online marketing, they can adhere to display advertising. Also referred to as banner ads, advertising with a site with high traffic whose audience fits the target market can be very effective. A person can buy an advertising space going by the site that has the huge number of hits. A featured banner ad promoted the brand, attracting traffic to the desired portal. Placing banner ads can also help with search engine rankings since the ads create a link back to desired portal, increasing the authority in search engine algorithms. Googlepredictsthat by 2015 display advertising will reach $50 billion. 1G) Online PR and Article Marketing Blogging and Article Marketing are effective techniques to promote new portal launches. By posting an article on social media or blogging about the unique offering of the site on various social media and PR websites helps generates impressions. The posting is another parameter that Google Algorithm uses to decide where to position the portal. The better will be the impression; the better will be the position. Considering all the above options would help develop a successful Internet marketing strategy. Option 2: Marketing through Newspaper and Magazine Advertising (B2C) A featured ad promoting the online marketplace for share property rental, commercial rentals and conventional property renting in the leading newspapers could potentially generate a lot of page hits Option 3: Marketing at Property Expo events in India (B2C) Property Expo events attracts a lot of interest for people interested in purchasing second homes or investment homes or timeshares. This is probably one of the best locations to meet landlords and encouraging them to register as members and promoting the value added services and the portals unique selling point (USP). Option 4: Marketing through Strategic partnerships with developers (B2B) This may be a good strategic option to explore, as top tier builders attract a lot of public interest in new developments. Sponsoring mutually beneficial events in a premier venue in the major cities, may help share costs and at the same time property sharks who invest in Residential Properties could be potential customer of KAMRAFINDER.COM. Option 5: Market through TV / Media (B2C) This option requires a significant marketing budget, which really limits the possibility of pursuing this option unless there is a corpus of funding from Venture Capitalists. Due to the previous Digital Advertising and Online Marketing skill sets within the board, it was decided to utilize the Marketing budget to pursue selected Option 1 (Online Marketing channels), Option 2 and Option 3 simultaneously. Reflection At the start of the workshops the Strategy challenge roadmap was used to draw out facts and questions. These informed the frameworks and models that were subsequently used to analyse the strategy and to formulate the strategic options. The workshops continued to draw out further facts and questions. In carrying out this strategy assignment there has been a realization that many companies would benefit from carrying out similar exercises. The whole process was iterative and at times, it was difficult to convey this in the written word. Often, questions and frameworks were populated out of sequence with questions being raised to which answers were unknown. The questions themselves would be subsequently asked as part of another framework. The process involved jumping between high levels and supporting frameworks, this might show that it is difficult to remain focused on high-level strategy without getting into detail. There is a big question about whether the new online venture will be a profitable venture or not. In carrying out this assignment, we have been fortunate to be able to progress the development of the portal alongside it. Online Marketing channels are certainly an economical, however it is also a time consuming exercise. The Hits conversion ratio can be poor compared to conventional Marketing techniques. References Ananth, S. and nc, S.T., 2013. Challenges to financial inclusion in India: The case of Andhra Pradesh.Economic and Political Weekly,48(7), pp.77-83. Baka, J., 2013. The political construction of wasteland: governmentality, land acquisition and social inequality in South India.Development and Change,44(2), pp.409-428. 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